2017 Fall SAT Classes

MCA星营学院 2017 SAT 秋季在线化训练班及讲座和公开课

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A. Special New SAT Vocabulary Class Series 1-4 - for 9th to 11th-Grade Students

Special Offer for Staracamp Club Members and Chinese School/Class Students - The Tuition and Fee for Class Series 1 will be waived for Staracamp Club members and students who have studied in a Chinese school/class, and register by September 30, 2017.



  • 5 Study Sessions

  • 5 Quizzes

  • 1 Final Test

Tuition and Fees for Each Class (A Total of 4 Classes)

1. Tuition - $58

2. Registration fee - $10


  • Tuition and Fee for the next class in the series will be waived if the student can pass the final test of the previous class with a score of 95% or better.

  • A scholarship of $100 will be awarded to students who pass the final test of both Class 3 and Class 4 with a score of 95% or better. A scholarship of $50 will be awarded to students who pass the final test of either class with a score of 95% or better. The scholarship can be applied to the tuition of SAT/PSAT/ACT classes offered by MCA.

B. SAC Institute Fall Ultimate SAT Course - for 10th and 11th-Grade Students

To prepare students for the SAT test on March 10th, 2018.

- Note: A premium section with 1 on 1 tutoring is available for this class with discounted rate.


November 4, 2017 - March 3, 2018 for a total of 15 weeks

  • 12 Live Online classes

  • 3 Proctored Tests

  • Small class size (limited to 5 students)

  • Best teachers from across the nation

Tuition and Fees

1. Tuition - $298 (minimum enrollment of 4 required) - basic section

- $397 - premium section (basic section + individual tutoring)

2. Registration fee - $20

3. Materials fee - $15

C. Evidence-Based New SAT Reading and Writing Class Advanced 1 - for 9th to 11th-Grade Students


November 4, 2017 - February 3, 2018 for a total of 11 sessions

  • 9 Live Online classes

  • 2 Proctored Tests

  • Small class size (limited to 5 students)

  • Best teachers from across the nation

Tuition and Fees

1. Registration fee - $15

2. Tuition - $195 (minimum enrollment of 4 required)

3. Materials fee - $10

D. Special SAT/ACT Seminars and Open Classes



如感兴趣请在网上报名. 联系: satclass@mnchinaacademy.org, 612-208-9538

Sign up online here. Contact: satclass@mnchinaacademy.org, 612-208-9538